The N2O Network


Effect of different nitrogen rates and use of DMPP nitrification inhibitor on N2O emissions from wheat in sub-tropical Ferrosols. Kingaroy, Queensland, 2011 [Theme 1: Inhibitors for reducing emissions]

Entity Description

Data Set Citation

De Antoni Migliorati M of Queensland University of Technology. Effect of different nitrogen rates and use of DMPP nitrification inhibitor on N2O emissions from wheat in sub-tropical Ferrosols. Kingaroy, Queensland, 2011 [Theme 1: Inhibitors for reducing emissions].
deantoni.4.28 (

Entity Info
N2O emissions wheat Kingaroy 2011
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Physical Structure Description
Object Name:
Kingaroy N2O Wheat.xlsx
Externally Defined Format:
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Attribute(s) Info:
Attribute Description
(label and definition)
Measurement Type and Domain
N2O fluxes -
daily n2o fluxes per replicate
Unitg N-N2O d-1 ha-1