Kelly K of Future Farming Systems Research Division, Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (Victoria). Nitrous oxide emissions from urine patches - experiment 1 part 1. Terang, Victoria 2009-2010 [Theme 1: Inhibitors for reducing emissions].
A study of the impact of the nitrification inhibitors dicyandiamide (DCD) on nitrous oxide emissions from dairy cows urine deposited on pasture was conducted at Terang in south-western Victoria, Australia from August 2009 to April 2010. Nitrous oxide fluxes were measured on four replicates of six treatments. Treatments were; nil applied (no nitrogen added treatment), DCD applied 14 August 2009, urine@1000kg N/ha applied 11 September 2009, urine@1000kg N/ha applied September 2009 plus DCD @ 10kg a.i./ha applied 14 August 2009, urine @ 1000kg N/ha applied 14 August 2009, urine @ 1000kg N/ha applied 14 August plus DCD @ 10 kg a.i./ha applied 14 August 2009. Nitrous oxide flux was measured in TWO replicates of treatments 3,4,5 and 6. Measurement system used automated chambers liked to a Fourier Transform infrared spectometer for gas analysis. Daily flux (g N2O-N/ha/day) was calculated for each chamber. Soil water (surface 0-65 mm) and soil temperature (50mm) was measured continuously in each chamber base. Soil mineral N content of all treatment and replicates was measured (0-100 mm) routinely. Initial site soil physical and chemical status were defined. Standard meteorological information was collected for an on-site weather station.
August 2009 - April 2010
Experimental design (6 treatments by 4 replicates) * Treatment 1 - nil applied, * Treatment 2 - DCD applied 14 August 2009 * Treatment 3 - urine @ 1000 kg N/ha applied 11 September 2009 * Treatment 4 - urine @ 1000 kg N/ha applied 11 September 2009 plus DCD @ 10 kg a.i./ha applied 14 August 2009 * Treatment 5 - urine @ 1000 kg N/ha applied 14 August 2009 * Treatment 6 - urine @ 1000 kg N/ha applied 14 August 2009 plus DCD @ 10 kg a.i./ha applied 14 August 2009.
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